Dr. Ken Sauer

Senior Associate Commissioner and Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Ken Sauer oversees new program approvals and program reviews, transfer of credit, dual credit, and campus mission statements/policies. He is also the executive director of the Indiana Board for Proprietary Education, liaison to the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the Governor’s Health Workforce Council.
Sauer leads Indiana’s inter-agency participation in the National Governors Association Community of Practice on Learning and Employment Records, the Credential Engine Indiana initiative and the Indiana e-Transcript Program.
Since 2007, Sauer has been the Governor’s designee on the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) and is a past chair of the Compact. He is also a member of the Midwestern-State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (M-SARA) Regional Steering Committee and the National Council-SARA Data Committee.
Previous employers include the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCES), where he helped lead the development of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), which NCES still uses for annually collecting data from all U.S. colleges and universities.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from St. John Fisher College and a Ph.D. in Government/International Relations from Claremont Graduate University.