NJCCC President Aaron Fichtner, PhD. Appointed Vice Chair of Credential Engine’s Board of Directors

Karla Roth-Bardinas

Think Media Communications

karlab@thinkmedianj.com or 732-996-9789

April 5, 2022, Washington, D.C. – President of the New Jersey Council of County Colleges (NJCCC), Aaron Fichtner, PhD., has been named Vice-Chair of Credential Engine’s Board of Directors. Credential Engine is a nonprofit organization leading the nation’s work on credential transparency to empower people to find the career pathways that are best for them.

“I am honored to join the leadership team at Credential Engine. The nonprofit’s work across 28 states, mapping the credential landscape with clear and consistent information, parallels the mission of New Jersey’s 18 Community Colleges to align education with the needs of business. Together, we can build a stronger workforce and economy… in New Jersey and across the nation,” stated Fichtner.

Prior to becoming President of NJCCC in 2018, Fichtner served as the Commissioner of New Jersey’s Department of Labor and Workforce Development, where he had previously served as the Department’s Deputy Commissioner and the Assistant Commissioner for Research and Information. He led the introduction of New Jersey’s partnership with Credential Engine as the Commissioner and worked to ensure its successful continuation through the change in state leadership. Fichtner also served as Chair of the National Association of State Liaisons for Workforce Development Partnerships, a workforce development affiliate of the National Governors Association. Before joining the Department of Labor, he was the Director of Research and Evaluation at Rutgers University’s Heldrich Center for Workforce Development.

Credential Engine also appointed Barbara Gellman-Danley, President of the Higher Learning Commission, as Chair of its Board of Directors. American Council on Education President Ted Mitchell, a former U.S. Under Secretary of Education, was appointed as Board Treasurer.

“This is one of the only organizations that fosters collaboration—and action—across leaders from not just traditional higher education, but also powerful accrediting bodies, workforce, and companies working to create new pathways to economic mobility,” said outgoing founding Credential Engine Board Chair Eleni Papadakis, who is also Executive Director of the Washington Training and Education Coordinating Board. “Over the last six years, the organization has not only experienced tremendous growth, but is also playing a growing role in transforming the nation’s education, training, and skills ecosystem which is being accelerated and solidified by the new leadership.”

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About NJCCC:

New Jersey’s 18 agile and innovative Community Colleges are prepared to lead in the response to and recovery from this public health and economic crisis and to secure a brighter future for all New Jerseyans. The New Jersey Council of County Colleges provides statewide leadership for the advancement of New Jersey Community Colleges, performs coordinating responsibilities as required by law, and coordinates statewide efforts to build a skilled workforce and improve student success. We encourage you to visit our website at www.njccc.org.